VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject END Attribute VB_Name = "clsLanguage" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = True Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit Option Compare Text ' A entry in a database Private Type Entry Name As String Type As String Value As Variant End Type ' The different databases currently in use Private Type Database Name As String Entries() As Entry EntryCount As Long Process As Boolean End Type ' Information regarding the database Public DatabaseName As String Public DatabaseVersion As String ' The array containing all the databases Private aDatabase() As Database Private aCount As Long Public Sub SaveXML(sFile As String) ' Reference msxml4.dll for this Dim Document As New DOMDocument, Root As IXMLDOMElement, Database As IXMLDOMElement Dim Tell As Long, Entry As Long, Temp As Long, oEntry As IXMLDOMElement, Item As IXMLDOMElement ' Firstly, create the root-container Set Root = Document.createElement("language") ' Add it to the document and set its properties Document.appendChild Root Root.setAttribute "version", DatabaseVersion Root.setAttribute "name", DatabaseName ' Add all databases to the document For Tell = 0 To aCount - 1 ' Create a new tag for the database Set Database = Document.createElement("database") ' Add it to the root node Root.appendChild Document.createTextNode(vbCrLf & Space(3)) Root.appendChild Database ' Open the database With aDatabase(Tell) ' Set its properties Database.setAttribute "name", .Name Database.setAttribute "process", IIf(.Process, "true", "false") ' Add all entries For Entry = 0 To .EntryCount - 1 ' Create a new entry Set oEntry = Document.createElement("entry") ' Add it to the database Database.appendChild Document.createTextNode(vbCrLf & Space(6)) Database.appendChild oEntry ' Set its properties oEntry.setAttribute "name", .Entries(Entry).Name oEntry.setAttribute "type", .Entries(Entry).Type oEntry.setAttribute "array", "false" ' See if we have an array or not If IsArray(.Entries(Entry).Value) Then ' Create the bondary-element Set Item = Document.createElement("bound") ' Add the beginning space oEntry.appendChild Document.createTextNode(vbCrLf & Space(9)) ' Add it to the entry and set its properties oEntry.appendChild Item Item.setAttribute "min", LBound(.Entries(Entry).Value) Item.setAttribute "max", UBound(.Entries(Entry).Value) ' Add the array as several item-elements For Temp = LBound(.Entries(Entry).Value) To UBound(.Entries(Entry).Value) ' Create a new entry, Set Item = Document.createElement("item") ' ... and add it to the right parent oEntry.appendChild Document.createTextNode(vbCrLf & Space(9)) oEntry.appendChild Item ' Set its content Item.setAttribute "id", Temp Item.Text = .Entries(Entry).Value(Temp) ' In this case we have an array oEntry.setAttribute "array", "true" Next ' Add the finall ending oEntry.appendChild Document.createTextNode(vbCrLf & Space(6)) Else oEntry.Text = CStr(.Entries(Entry).Value) End If Next End With ' Add a ending tag Database.appendChild Document.createTextNode(vbCrLf & Space(3)) Next ' Add ending lines Root.appendChild Document.createTextNode(vbCrLf) ' Save the document sFile End Sub Public Sub LoadXML(sFile As String) Dim Document As New DOMDocument, Root As IXMLDOMElement, Bound As IXMLDOMElement Dim Database As IXMLDOMElement, Entry As IXMLDOMElement, Item As IXMLDOMElement Dim Index As Long, Temp As Long ' See if the given file is valid If Dir(sFile) = "" Then Exit Sub End If ' Firstly, clear all databases ClearDatabases ' Load the file Document.Load sFile ' Retrieve the root-element Set Root = Document.getElementsByTagName("language")(0) ' Load its properties DatabaseName = Root.getAttribute("name") DatabaseVersion = Root.getAttribute("version") ' Then go through all its children For Each Database In Root.childNodes ' See if this is a database If Database.nodeName = "database" Then ' Add the database Index = AppendDatabase(Database.getAttribute("name"), Database.getAttribute("process")) ' Add all the entries For Each Entry In Database.childNodes ' See if this is a entry If Entry.nodeName = "entry" Then ' Add the entry Temp = AppendEntry(Index, Entry.getAttribute("name"), , Entry.getAttribute("type")) ' Open the database With aDatabase(Index) ' Add the value depending on whether or not it is an array Select Case Entry.getAttribute("array") Case "false" ' Just set the value .Entries(Temp).Value = Entry.Text Case "true" ' Retrieve the boundary-item Set Bound = Entry.getElementsByTagName("bound")(0) ' Make an array ReDim .Entries(Temp).Value(Bound.getAttribute("min") To Bound.getAttribute("max")) ' Set its element For Each Item In Entry.childNodes ' See if this is a item-element If Item.nodeName = "item" Then ' Set the array .Entries(Temp).Value(Item.getAttribute("id")) = Item.Text End If Next End Select ' Close the database End With End If Next End If Next End Sub ' Manually append a database Public Function AppendDatabase(sName As String, bProcess As Boolean) As Long ' Firstly, reallocate the array ReDim Preserve aDatabase(aCount) ' Set the different properties aDatabase(aCount).Name = sName aDatabase(aCount).Process = bProcess ' Return the index of the created database AppendDatabase = aCount ' Increase the count aCount = aCount + 1 End Function ' Manually append an entry Public Function AppendEntry(ByVal Index As Long, sName As String, vValue As Variant, Optional sType As String = "Property") As Long ' Use the current database With aDatabase(Index) ' Firstly, reallocate the array ReDim Preserve .Entries(.EntryCount) ' Set the different properties .Entries(.EntryCount).Name = sName .Entries(.EntryCount).Value = vValue .Entries(.EntryCount).Type = sType ' Return the index of the created database AppendEntry = .EntryCount ' Increase the count .EntryCount = .EntryCount + 1 End With End Function Public Sub ClearDatabases() ' Clear the array Erase aDatabase ' Clear the count aCount = 0 End Sub Public Sub ClearEntries(ByVal Index As Long) ' Only continue if the index is valid If IsDatabase(Index) Then ' Clear both the array and the count Erase aDatabase(Index).Entries aDatabase(Index).EntryCount = 0 End If End Sub Public Function IsDatabase(ByVal Index As Long) As Boolean ' Return whether or not this is a database IsDatabase = CBool(Index >= 0 And Index < aCount) End Function Public Function IsEntry(ByVal DataIndex As Long, ByVal EntryIndex As Long) As Boolean ' Return whether or not this is a database If IsDatabase(DataIndex) Then With aDatabase(DataIndex) IsEntry = CBool(.EntryCount >= 0 And Index < .EntryCount) End With End If End Function Public Function FindDatabase(Expression As String, Process As Boolean) As Long Dim Tell As Long ' Go through all the databases, ... For Tell = 0 To aCount - 1 ' ... checking if any one of them corresponds to the string If (Expression = aDatabase(Tell).Name) And (aDatabase(Tell).Process = Process) Then ' Return the index FindDatabase = Tell ' We're done Exit Function End If Next ' No database found FindDatabase = -1 End Function Public Function FindEntry(ByVal Index As Long, sName As String, vValue As Variant, sType As String) Dim Tell As Long ' See if the index is valid If IsDatabase(Index) Then ' Open the database With aDatabase(Index) ' Go through all entries in the database For Tell = 0 To .EntryCount - 1 ' See if it corresponds to some of the search values If sName = .Entries(Tell).Name Or vValue = .Entries(Tell).Value _ Or sType = .Entries(Tell).Type Then ' Return the index of the entry FindEntry = Tell ' We're done Exit Function End If Next End With End If ' Nothing was found FindEntry = -1 End Function ' Add the content of the form Public Sub AppendForm(Form As Form, Optional ControlsExpression As String) Dim aControls, oControl As Object, sControl As String Dim lngFind As Long, Index As Long, vData As Variant ' Search for this form lngFind = FindDatabase(Form.Name, True) ' Then see if the form actually exists If lngFind >= 0 Then ' Clear the entries ClearEntries lngFind ' Use this database Index = lngFind Else ' No, create a new database Index = AppendDatabase(Form.Name, True) End If ' Save the caption of the form AppendEntry Index, "Caption", Form.Caption ' Secondly, get all the controls that we'll have to process aControls = Split(ControlsExpression, ";") ' Then go through all the controls For Each oControl In Form.Controls ' Get the name of the control sControl = TypeName(oControl) ' See if the control is valid If ControlsExpression = "*" Or InArray(aControls, sControl) >= 0 Then ' Clear variables vData = "" ' Read from the different controls Select Case sControl Case "ListView": vData = ToArray(oControl.ColumnHeaders, , , 1) Case "TabStrip": vData = ToArray(oControl.Tabs) Case "vbalListViewCtl1": vData = ToArray(oControl.Columns) Case "SSTab": vData = ToArray(oControl, "Tabs", "TabCaption") Case "ListBox", "ComboBox": vData = ToArray(oControl, "ListCount", "List") Case "CommandButton": vData = oControl.Caption Case Else: vData = oControl ' Just use the default property End Select ' Add the entry to the database AppendEntry Index, oControl.Name, vData, sControl End If Next End Sub ' Convert all the data within a class to an ordinary array Private Function ToArray(refObject As Object, Optional sCount As String = "Count", Optional sRead As String = "Item", Optional Start As Long) As Variant Dim Tell As Long, tempArray() ' Allocate array ReDim tempArray(Start To CallByName(refObject, sCount, VbGet) - 1) ' Go through all elements, ... For Tell = Start To UBound(tempArray) ' Set each element tempArray(Tell) = CallByName(refObject, sRead, VbGet, Tell).Text Next ' Return the array ToArray = tempArray End Function Private Sub WriteArray(refObject As Object, Data As Variant, sReset As String, sInitialize As String, sAdd As String, bSpecial As Boolean) Dim Tell As Long ' Make sure we're dealing with an array If Not IsArray(Data) Then Exit Sub End If ' Reset the control in question If sReset <> "" Then CallByName refObject, sReset, VbMethod End If ' Intialize/allocate (if neeeded) the control If sInitialize <> "" Then CallByName refObject, sInitialize, VbLet, (UBound(Data) - LBound(Data)) + 1 End If ' Add all the elements For Tell = LBound(Data) To UBound(Data) ' Use a method/property depending on the initialize-function and bSpecial If Not bSpecial Then If sInitialize <> "" Then CallByName refObject, sAdd, VbLet, Tell, CStr(Data(Tell)) Else CallByName refObject, sAdd, VbMethod, CStr(Data(Tell)) End If Else ' In this case, the text paramenter is the third CallByName refObject, sAdd, VbMethod, , , CStr(Data(Tell)) End If Next End Sub ' Call when you need to update a form Public Sub ProcessForm(Form As Form) On Error Resume Next Dim Index As Long, Tell As Long, vData, oControl As Object ' Find the form to use Index = FindDatabase(Form.Name, True) ' See if the index is valid If IsDatabase(Index) Then ' Open this database With aDatabase(Index) ' Go through all the entries in the database For Tell = 0 To .EntryCount - 1 ' Attempt at getting the control Set oControl = Nothing Set oControl = CallByName(Form, .Entries(Tell).Name, VbGet) ' Continue if the control exists If Not (oControl Is Nothing) Then ' Retrieve the data vData = .Entries(Tell).Value ' Write the data differently depending on the type Select Case .Entries(Tell).Type Case "ListView": WriteArray oControl.ColumnHeaders, vData, "Clear", "", "Add", True Case "TabStrip": WriteArray oControl.Tabs, vData, "Clear", "", "Add", True Case "SSTab": WriteArray oControl, vData, "", "Tabs", "TabCaption", False Case "vbalListViewCtl1": WriteArray oControl.Columns, vData, "Clear", "", "Add", True Case "ListBox", "ComboBox": WriteArray oControl, vData, "Clear", "", "AddItem", False Case "CommandButton": oControl.Caption = vData Case Else: oControl = vData ' Just use the default property End Select End If Next End With End If End Sub ' Used when you need to update all forms in the project Public Sub UpdateAll(aForms As Collection) Dim Form As Form ' Go through all the forms in the collection For Each Form In aForms ' Update it ProcessForm Form Next End Sub Private Function InArray(refArray, vEntry As Variant) As Long Dim Tell As Long ' Go through an array, ... For Tell = LBound(refArray) To UBound(refArray) ' Checking whether or not it contain a given value If refArray(Tell) = vEntry Then ' Return the index InArray = Tell ' Nothing more to find Exit Function End If Next ' Didn't find anything InArray = LBound(refArray) - 1 End Function Private Sub Class_Initialize() ' Use a default version DatabaseVersion = "1.0" End Sub