VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject END Attribute VB_Name = "clsSunrise" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = True Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False Attribute VB_Exposed = False ' ------ Class clsSunRiseSet Option Explicit ' -- The following properties are exposed: 'Sunrise (r) - Sunrise time 'Sunset (r) - Sunset time 'SolarNoon (r) - Solar noon ' 'CityCount (r) - Number of cities 'CityName (r) - Name of city, by index 'City (w) - Sets the longitude/latitude/timezone based off a city ' name or city index ' 'TimeZone (r/w) - Current Timezone 'DaySavings (r/w) - Daylight savings time in effect 'Longitude (r/w) - Longitude to calculate for 'Latitude (r/w) - Latitude to calculate for ' 'DateDay (r/w) - Date to calculate for ' ' ' -- The following method is exposed 'CalculateSun - Calculate sunrise, sunset and solar noon ' ' ' Scott Seligman ' Based off of ' Private Type typeMonth Name As String NumDays As Long End Type Private Type typeCity Name As String Longitude As Double Latitude As Double TimeZone As Long End Type Private m_cNumberCities As Long Private m_Cities() As typeCity Private m_monthList(0 To 11) As typeMonth Private m_monthLeap(0 To 11) As typeMonth Private m_nTimeZone As Long Private m_bDaySavings As Boolean Private m_nLongitude As Double Private m_nLatitude As Double Private m_dateSel As Date Private m_dateSunrise As Date Private m_dateSunset As Date Private m_dateNoon As Date Public Property Get Sunrise() As Date Sunrise = m_dateSunrise End Property Public Property Get Sunset() As Date Sunset = m_dateSunset End Property Public Property Get SolarNoon() As Date SolarNoon = m_dateNoon End Property Public Property Get CityCount() As Long CityCount = m_cNumberCities + 1 End Property Public Property Get CityName(nCity As Long) As String If nCity < 0 Or nCity > m_cNumberCities Then CityName = "(Error)" Else CityName = m_Cities(nCity).Name End If End Property Public Property Let City(City) Dim nCity As Long Dim bFound As Boolean If VarType(City) = vbString Then For nCity = 0 To m_cNumberCities If Trim(LCase(City)) = Trim(LCase(m_Cities(nCity).Name)) Then bFound = True Exit For End If Next If Not bFound Then nCity = -1 End If Else If IsNumeric(City) Then nCity = City Else nCity = -1 End If End If If nCity < 0 Or nCity > m_cNumberCities Then m_nTimeZone = 0 m_bDaySavings = False m_nLongitude = 0 m_nLatitude = 0 Else m_nTimeZone = m_Cities(nCity).TimeZone m_bDaySavings = False m_nLongitude = m_Cities(nCity).Longitude m_nLatitude = m_Cities(nCity).Latitude End If End Property Public Property Let TimeZone(nNew As Long) m_nTimeZone = nNew End Property Public Property Get TimeZone() As Long TimeZone = m_nTimeZone End Property Public Property Let DaySavings(bNew As Boolean) m_bDaySavings = bNew End Property Public Property Get DaySavings() As Boolean DaySavings = m_bDaySavings End Property Public Property Let Longitude(nNew As Double) m_nLongitude = nNew End Property Public Property Get Longitude() As Double Longitude = m_nLongitude End Property Public Property Let Latitude(nNew As Double) m_nLatitude = nNew End Property Public Property Get Latitude() As Double Latitude = m_nLatitude End Property Public Property Let DateDay(dateNew As Date) m_dateSel = dateNew End Property Public Property Get DateDay() As Date DateDay = m_dateSel End Property Private Function IsLeapYear(nYear As Long) As Boolean If (nYear Mod 4 = 0 And nYear Mod 100 <> 0) Or nYear Mod 400 = 0 Then IsLeapYear = True Else IsLeapYear = False End If End Function Private Function RadToDeg(angleRad As Double) As Double RadToDeg = 180 * angleRad / 3.1415926535 End Function Private Function DegToRad(angleDeg As Double) As Double DegToRad = 3.1415926535 * angleDeg / 180 End Function Private Function CalcJulianDay(nMonth As Long, nDay As Long, bLeapYear _ As Boolean) As Long Dim i As Long Dim nJulianDay As Long If bLeapYear Then For i = 0 To nMonth - 1 nJulianDay = nJulianDay + m_monthLeap(i).NumDays Next Else For i = 0 To nMonth - 1 nJulianDay = nJulianDay + m_monthList(i).NumDays Next End If nJulianDay = nJulianDay + nDay CalcJulianDay = nJulianDay End Function Private Function CalcGamma(nJulianDay As Long) As Double CalcGamma = (2 * 3.1415926535 / 365) * (nJulianDay - 1) End Function Private Function CalcGamma2(nJulianDay As Long, hour As Long) CalcGamma2 = (2 * 3.1415926535 / 365) * (nJulianDay - 1 + (hour / 24)) End Function Private Function CalcEqOfTime(gamma As Double) As Double CalcEqOfTime = (229.18 * (0.000075 + 0.001568 * Cos(gamma) - _ 0.032077 * Sin(gamma) - 0.014615 * Cos(2 * gamma) - 0.040849 * _ Sin(2 * gamma))) End Function Private Function CalcSolarDec(gamma As Double) As Double CalcSolarDec = (0.006918 - 0.399912 * Cos(gamma) + 0.070257 * _ Sin(gamma) - 0.006758 * Cos(2 * gamma) + 0.000907 * Sin(2 * _ gamma)) End Function Private Function acos(x As Double) As Double On Error Resume Next acos = Atn(-x / Sqr(-x * x + 1)) + 2 * Atn(1) End Function Private Function CalcHourAngle(lat As Double, solarDec As Double, time _ As Boolean) As Double Dim latRad As Double latRad = DegToRad(lat) If time Then CalcHourAngle = (acos(Cos(DegToRad(90.833)) / (Cos(latRad) * _ Cos(solarDec)) - Tan(latRad) * Tan(solarDec))) Else CalcHourAngle = -(acos(Cos(DegToRad(90.833)) / (Cos(latRad) * _ Cos(solarDec)) - Tan(latRad) * Tan(solarDec))) End If End Function Private Function CalcDayLength(hourAngle As Double) As Double CalcDayLength = (2 * Abs(RadToDeg(hourAngle))) / 15 End Function Public Function CalculateSun() Dim nLatitude As Double Dim nLongitude As Double Dim dateCalc As Date Dim bDaySavings As Long Dim nZone As Long nLatitude = m_nLatitude nLongitude = m_nLongitude dateCalc = m_dateSel bDaySavings = IIf(m_bDaySavings, 60, 0) nZone = m_nTimeZone If nLatitude >= -90 And nLatitude < -89.8 Then nLatitude = -89.8 End If If nLatitude <= 90 And nLatitude > 89.8 Then nLatitude = 89.8 End If ' Calculate the time of sunrise Dim nJulianDay As Long nJulianDay = CalcJulianDay(Month(dateCalc), Day(dateCalc), _ IsLeapYear(Year(dateCalc))) Dim gamma_solnoon As Double Dim eqTime As Double Dim solarDec As Double gamma_solnoon = CalcGamma2(nJulianDay, 12 + (nLongitude / 15)) eqTime = CalcEqOfTime(gamma_solnoon) solarDec = CalcSolarDec(gamma_solnoon) Dim timeGMT As Double timeGMT = CalcSunriseGMT(DatePart("y", dateCalc), nLatitude, _ nLongitude) Dim solNoonGmt As Double solNoonGmt = CalcSolNoonGMT(DatePart("y", dateCalc), nLongitude) Dim timeLST As Double timeLST = timeGMT - (60 * nZone) + bDaySavings m_dateSunrise = DateAdd("s", timeLST * 60, Int(m_dateSel)) '*****Calculate Solar noon Dim solNoonLST As Double solNoonLST = solNoonGmt - (60 * nZone) + bDaySavings m_dateNoon = DateAdd("s", solNoonLST * 60, Int(m_dateSel)) '***** Calculate the time of sunset Dim setTimeGMT As Double Dim setTimeLST As Double setTimeGMT = CalcSunsetGMT(DatePart("y", dateCalc), nLatitude, _ nLongitude) setTimeLST = setTimeGMT - (60 * nZone) + bDaySavings m_dateSunset = DateAdd("s", setTimeLST * 60, Int(m_dateSel)) End Function Private Function CalcSunriseGMT(nJulianDay As Long, nLatitude As Double, _ nLongitude As Double) Dim gamma As Double Dim eqTime As Double Dim solarDec As Double Dim hourAngle As Double Dim delta As Double Dim timeDiff As Double Dim timeGMT As Double gamma = CalcGamma(nJulianDay) eqTime = CalcEqOfTime(gamma) solarDec = CalcSolarDec(gamma) hourAngle = CalcHourAngle(nLatitude, solarDec, True) delta = nLongitude - RadToDeg(hourAngle) timeDiff = 4 * delta timeGMT = 720 + timeDiff - eqTime Dim gamma_sunrise As Double gamma_sunrise = CalcGamma2(nJulianDay, timeGMT / 60) eqTime = CalcEqOfTime(gamma_sunrise) solarDec = CalcSolarDec(gamma_sunrise) hourAngle = CalcHourAngle(nLatitude, solarDec, True) delta = nLongitude - RadToDeg(hourAngle) timeDiff = 4 * delta timeGMT = 720 + timeDiff - eqTime CalcSunriseGMT = timeGMT End Function Private Function CalcSolNoonGMT(nJulianDay As Long, nLongitude As _ Double) As Double Dim gamma_solnoon As Double Dim eqTime As Double Dim solarNoonDec As Double Dim solNoonGmt As Double gamma_solnoon = CalcGamma2(nJulianDay, 12 + (nLongitude / 15)) eqTime = CalcEqOfTime(gamma_solnoon) solarNoonDec = CalcSolarDec(gamma_solnoon) solNoonGmt = 720 + (nLongitude * 4) - eqTime CalcSolNoonGMT = solNoonGmt End Function Private Function CalcSunsetGMT(nJulianDay As Long, nLatitude As Double, _ nLongitude As Double) As Double Dim gamma As Double Dim eqTime As Double Dim solarDec As Double Dim hourAngle As Double Dim delta As Double Dim timeDiff As Double Dim setTimeGMT As Double gamma = CalcGamma(nJulianDay + 1) eqTime = CalcEqOfTime(gamma) solarDec = CalcSolarDec(gamma) hourAngle = CalcHourAngle(nLatitude, solarDec, False) delta = nLongitude - RadToDeg(hourAngle) timeDiff = 4 * delta setTimeGMT = 720 + timeDiff - eqTime Dim gamma_sunset As Double gamma_sunset = CalcGamma2(nJulianDay, setTimeGMT / 60) eqTime = CalcEqOfTime(gamma_sunset) solarDec = CalcSolarDec(gamma_sunset) hourAngle = CalcHourAngle(nLatitude, solarDec, False) delta = nLongitude - RadToDeg(hourAngle) timeDiff = 4 * delta setTimeGMT = 720 + timeDiff - eqTime CalcSunsetGMT = setTimeGMT End Function Private Sub InitMonths() m_monthList(0).Name = "January": m_monthList(0).NumDays = 31 m_monthList(1).Name = "February": m_monthList(1).NumDays = 28 m_monthList(2).Name = "March": m_monthList(2).NumDays = 31 m_monthList(3).Name = "April": m_monthList(3).NumDays = 30 m_monthList(4).Name = "May": m_monthList(4).NumDays = 31 m_monthList(5).Name = "June": m_monthList(5).NumDays = 30 m_monthList(6).Name = "July": m_monthList(6).NumDays = 31 m_monthList(7).Name = "August": m_monthList(7).NumDays = 31 m_monthList(8).Name = "September": m_monthList(8).NumDays = 30 m_monthList(9).Name = "October": m_monthList(9).NumDays = 31 m_monthList(10).Name = "November": m_monthList(10).NumDays = 30 m_monthList(11).Name = "DEcember": m_monthList(11).NumDays = 31 m_monthLeap(0).Name = "January": m_monthLeap(0).NumDays = 31 m_monthLeap(1).Name = "February": m_monthLeap(1).NumDays = 28 m_monthLeap(2).Name = "March": m_monthLeap(2).NumDays = 31 m_monthLeap(3).Name = "April": m_monthLeap(3).NumDays = 30 m_monthLeap(4).Name = "May": m_monthLeap(4).NumDays = 31 m_monthLeap(5).Name = "June": m_monthLeap(5).NumDays = 30 m_monthLeap(6).Name = "July": m_monthLeap(6).NumDays = 31 m_monthLeap(7).Name = "August": m_monthLeap(7).NumDays = 31 m_monthLeap(8).Name = "September": m_monthLeap(8).NumDays = 30 m_monthLeap(9).Name = "October": m_monthLeap(9).NumDays = 31 m_monthLeap(10).Name = "November": m_monthLeap(10).NumDays = 30 m_monthLeap(11).Name = "DEcember": m_monthLeap(11).NumDays = 31 End Sub Private Sub AddCity(sCity As String, nLatitude As Double, nLongitude As _ Double, nZone As Long) m_cNumberCities = m_cNumberCities + 1 If m_cNumberCities > UBound(m_Cities) Then ReDim Preserve m_Cities(UBound(m_Cities) + 10) End If m_Cities(m_cNumberCities).Name = sCity m_Cities(m_cNumberCities).Latitude = nLatitude m_Cities(m_cNumberCities).Longitude = nLongitude m_Cities(m_cNumberCities).TimeZone = nZone End Sub Private Sub InitCities() m_cNumberCities = -1 ReDim m_Cities(0) AddCity "Albuquerque, NM", 35.05, 106.39, 7 AddCity "Anchorage, AK", 61.13, 149.54, 9 AddCity "Atlanta, GA", 33.44, 84.23, 5 AddCity "Boston, MA", 42.21, 71.03, 5 AddCity "Boulder, CO", 40.125, 105.237, 7 AddCity "Chicago, IL", 41.51, 87.39, 6 AddCity "Dallas, TX", 32.46, 96.47, 6 AddCity "Denver, CO", 39.44, 104.59, 7 AddCity "Detroit, MI", 42.2, 83.03, 5 AddCity "Honolulu, HA", 21.18, 157.51, 10 AddCity "Indianapolis, IN", 39.46, 86.09, 5 AddCity "Kansas City, MO", 39.05, 94.34, 6 AddCity "Los Angeles, CA", 34.03, 118.14, 8 AddCity "Miami, FL", 25.46, 80.11, 5 AddCity "Minneapolis, nMonth", 44.58, 93.15, 6 AddCity "New Orleans, LA", 29.57, 90.04, 6 AddCity "New York City, NY", 40.43, 74.01, 5 AddCity "Oklahoma City, OK", 35.28, 97.3, 6 AddCity "Philadelphia, PA", 39.57, 75.09, 5 AddCity "Phoenix, AZ", 33.26, 112.04, 7 AddCity "Saint Louis, MO", 38.37, 90.11, 6 AddCity "San Fransisco, CA", 37.46, 122.25, 8 AddCity "Seattle, WA", 47.36, 122.19, 8 AddCity "Washington DC", 38.53, 77.02, 5 AddCity "Beijing, China", 39.55, -116.25, -8 AddCity "Berlin, Germany", 52.33, -13.3, -1 AddCity "Buenos Aires, Argentina", -34.36, 58.27, 3 AddCity "Cairo, Egypt", -30.06, -31.22, -2 AddCity "Cape Town, South Africa", -33.55, -18.22, -2 AddCity "Caracas, Venezula", 10.3, 66.56, 4 AddCity "Helsinki, Finland", 60.1, -24.58, -2 AddCity "Hong Kong, China", 22.15, -114.1, -8 AddCity "London, England", 51.3, 0.1, 0 AddCity "Mexico City, Mexico", 19.24, 99.09, 6 AddCity "Moscow, Russia", 55.45, -37.35, -3 AddCity "New Delhi, India", 28.36, -77.12, -5.5 AddCity "Ottawa, Canada", 45.25, 75.42, 5 AddCity "Paris, France", 48.52, -2.2, -1 AddCity "Rio de Janeiro, Brazil", -22.54, 43.14, 3 AddCity "Riyadh, Saudi Arabia", 24.38, -46.43, -3 AddCity "Rome, Italy", 41.54, -12.29, -1 AddCity "Sydney, Australia", -33.52, -151.13, -10 AddCity "Tokyo, Japan", 35.42, -139.46, -9 AddCity "Zurich, Switzerland", 47.23, -8.32, -1 End Sub Private Sub Class_Initialize() InitMonths InitCities m_dateSel = Now End Sub ' ------ End of class clsSunRiseSet